Birth & Medical Research

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Trusted Homebirth Midwives, Westchester NY & Southern CT

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a community space with a variety of class & treatment offerings

trusted Breastfeeding resources

Recommended Readings


A time proven valuable resource from experienced homebirth midwife Ina May Gaskin with a collection of inspiring birth stories and ‘tricks of the trade’.

Available for purchase on






The midwife and Jungian Scholar Pam England is introducing an integrative model of childbirth giving women the information needed to prepare for birth, how to think and feel about labor, and how to tell their story. During their childbearing year, women traverse two paths at once: an inner path of psychological and spiritual awareness and an outer path of practical approaches to birth in modern-day culture. The book combines scientific research with meditation, ceremony, art, and mythic stories, which not only prepares childbearing women to go beyond their edge into uncharted territory but to find their way home again. The underlying message throughout is not to strive for a perfect birth but to be mindful of the mythic journey, of all the mothers who have come before—an awareness that leads not only to the birth of a child but to the birth of a new self.

Available for purchase at



Penny Simkin is a physical therapist, childbirth educator and founder of DONA – doulas of North Amerika. She provides valuable information about the 3rd trimester, labor and early postpartum including medical interventions and it’s pros and cons and alternatives.

Available for purchase at





Lily Nichols provides research-based information how to optimize your nutrition in pregnancy and postpartum considering and explaining the physiological needs and pregnancy related special circumstances, like nausea, gestational diabetes, iron deficiency…. Includes recipes.

Available for purchase at

Check also her blog at




Two experienced Lactation Consultants share their wisdom. Breastfeeding may be natural, but it may also be more challenging than you expect. Some mothers encounter doubts and difficulties, from struggling with the first few feedings to finding a gentle and loving way to comfortably wean from the breast

Available for purchase at Amazon





James McKenny, an anthropologist, and founder of the ‘sleep laboratory’ provides research-based information on safe sleep arrangements.

Available for purchase at